Contact: Cory Whitehead
Vice President of Mission Advancement
Phone: 630.384.7223

Wheaton, IL September 9, 2024 – Christianity Today announces the public phase of the first comprehensive campaign in its 68-year history. Named The One Kingdom Campaign, this bold and hopeful vision seeks to raise $28 million through 2026, its 70th anniversary, and will guide the next season of kingdom-focused ministry.

Through elevating the stories and ideas of the kingdom of God in various media, formats, and innovative programs, CT’s One Kingdom Campaign endeavors to reenchant the Church with Christ and his kingdom, recast a captivating vision of what it means to follow Jesus in our time, and regather a community around that vision.

President and CEO Timothy Dalrymple shares, “Christianity Today exists to help all people love Christ and his kingdom. These are challenging times for the Church. It can be hard to find our way. Our hope and prayer is that The One Kingdom Campaign helps believers unite across continents, across generations, and across the dividing lines of our culture. We want to help the Church remember its first love and cast once again a compelling and capacious vision of what it looks like to follow Christ wholeheartedly and sacrificially.”

The campaign funds three strategic initiatives. The Global Initiative dramatically expands CT’s footprint to lift up the stories and ideas of believers around the world. The Next Gen Initiative supports the ministry’s growth in new media to show younger generations how beautiful it can be to follow Jesus. And the Big Tent Initiative seeks to better represent the diversity of the North American church and model charitable conversation across our differences.

Cory Whitehead, Vice President of Mission Advancement, says, “The campaign commenced a quiet phase of private conversations in 2023. Through the generosity of God and close partners to the ministry, we are deeply humbled that The One Kingdom Campaign already has commitments of over $18.6 million—67 percent of the campaign goal. We have seen full support from the Board of Trustees, new partners who are passionate about the bold vision and direction, and forward-thinking institutional foundations that see the important and enduring voice of CT.”

With the early commitments, many components of The One Kingdom Campaign have already been set into motion. For example, through the Campaign, CT has already:

  • Planted numerous new global editors, native or fluent in the relevant languages and cultures, to elevate the stories of the global Church.
  • Evolved CT’s brand and technology to reach new audiences and generations more effectively, with the recent print magazine and website redesigns.
  • Launched the Next Gen Accelerator, a Fellowship for ages 18-26 that equips the next generation of Christian leaders, storytellers, and artists.
  • Expanded the Public Theology Project, platforming voices that model a healthy Christian engagement with the culture.

Lauren Green McAfee and Bob Doll, Christianity Today Trustees and Campaign Co-Chairs, added, “We see God shaping exciting conversations, important partnerships, and growing audiences through The One Kingdom Campaign and its three initiatives. We see progress already, and we want to nurture and support what God is already doing so this campaign might advance the kingdom of God.”

More information about The One Kingdom vision—what it includes and how to partner—is available at

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About Christianity Today
Reaching 40 million people across the world through a variety of acclaimed and award-winning digital and print media, Christianity Today elevates the stories and ideas of the kingdom of God with a vision of a Church more faithful to Christ and the world more drawn to him.

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