Carol Stream, IL June 21, 2021 – Christianity Today has added a nascent publication and digital community, Ekstasis, into its media ecosystem to further its joint pursuit of Beautiful Orthodoxy—communicating the truth, goodness, and beauty of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Christianity Today’s president and CEO, Timothy Dalrymple, explains that “Ekstasis revives the Christian imagination, offering artful contemplation that nurtures the soul, and illuminates a path that leads through beauty and awe to a profound and joyous faith in Jesus Christ. In a clamorous and contentious age, we view Ekstasis as a kind of digital cathedral, a sanctuary from the noise, a place that captures our attention through loving art and luminous words.”
Ekstasis Founder Conor Sweetman created the publication and community in 2016 to reach fellow believers with work that slants toward the triumphant and glorious aspects of life in Christ, framed through life, the arts and literature.
Sweetman shares, “There are so many excellent, inspired artists and writers at work today. Ekstasis wants to draw them together in a unique way to enjoy, influence and galvanize one another in faithfulness to Christ while immersed in the intellectual and creative life. Whether poet, photographer, painter, writer, musician or simply a patron of the arts, there is an exciting part to play in these ecstatic times.”
Along with an annual publication, Ekstasis features a thriving digital community where both young and old generations of believers are seeking new ways of pressing into the depths of what it means to follow Jesus.
The newest print issue, Ekstasis Issue 8, releases this week. This issue, along with several of the most recent issues, are now available to order at https://www.ekstasismagazine.com/buy-magazine. The most recent digital content is available at https://www.ekstasismagazine.com.
For more information, contact Cory Whitehead, CT’s executive director of mission advancement at cwhitehead@christianitytoday.com or 630.384.7223.
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Christianity Today is an acclaimed and award-winning media ministry that elevates the storytellers and sages of the global Church. Each month, across a variety of digital and print media, the ministry carries the most important stories and ideas of the kingdom of God to over 4.5 million people all around the planet.